To build a brand with a strong unique voice connecting to the market whilst being a leader not a follower. The things that speak to us as human beings most profoundly are things that do not quantify or box us. There is a beauty in the spill over from the clashes between aesthetics and scenes that are seen as separate. I believe we love to be seen, understood, contradicted in our binary statements of identity and belonging.
As a brand we want to document and converse with the phenomena of identity whilst drawing in the almost magic realism of how the mundane and the hyperbolic narratives of the imagination collide and curdle. Life is beautiful, life is irresponsible, life is brief, fashion on the other hand is where art meets design.
Ultimately a piece of clothing should be able to do what a great piece of poetry or a great joke does in delight you by expressing or playing with something that you were not even consciously aware of. It should not only make you feel more beautiful, it should also force you to know that you are beautiful.
It is not about throwing out the rule book. There is a great deal of observation and reference that goes into everything that means anything to people, so for us it is not about making the loudest noise, it is about hearing and seeing. Like all great art fashion should be enlightening and it should make us feel less alone.
We live in a time where everyone can document and create as such, the parameters of what feels fresh is constantly shifting. As you have probably heard “everyone is an artist”, there may never have been a more challenging time to create and build a brand identity and such task is taken on with the purpose of achieving something sustainable. This requires perpetual freshness of mind and emotion and the mustering of all force’s philosophy literature, aesthetics “the alliance of the epic and the everyday half-way between the gutter and the stars”.